Constructional Analysis Using Constrained Spreading Activation in a FrameNet-Based Structured Connectionist Model
MATOS, E. E.; TORRENT, T. T.; ALMEIDA, V. G.; SILVA, A. B. L.; LAGE, L. M.; MARCAO, N. D.; TAVARES, T. S. (2017). In: The AAAI 2017 Spring Symposium on Computational Construction Grammar and Natural Language Understanding Technical Report SS-17-02. Palo Alto, CA: AAAI Publications, v.17, p.222-229.
Towards continuity between the lexicon and the constructicon in FrameNet Brasil
TORRENT, T. T.; MATOS, E.; LAGE, L.; LAVIOLA, A.; TAVARES, T.; ALMEIDA, V. G.; SIGILIANO, N. (2018). In: LYNGFELT, B.; BORIN, L.; OHARA, K. H.; TORRENT, T. T. (Orgs.). Constructional Approaches to Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
Towards continuity between the lexicon and the constructicon in FrameNet Brasil
TORRENT, T. T.; MATOS, E.; LAGE, L.; LAVIOLA, A.; TAVARES, T.; ALMEIDA, V. G.; SIGILIANO, N. (2018). In: LYNGFELT, B.; BORIN, L.; OHARA, K. H.; TORRENT, T. T. (Orgs.). Constructional Approaches to Language. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company.
FrameNet-Based Modeling of the Domains of Tourism and Sports for the Development of a Personal Travel Assistant Application
DINIZ DA COSTA, A.; GAMONAL, M. A.; PAIVA, V. M. R. L.; MARÇÃO, N. D.; PERON-CORRÊA, S.; ALMEIDA, V. G.; MATOS, E. E. S.; TORRENT, T. T. (2018). In: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation (LREC 2018), Miyazaki, Japan: ELRA, p. 6-12.